Diary of a Desert Gal

Book reviews, film reviews, writing exercises, poems, thoughts, musings, etc.


Trading Coffee for Khalua

Well, I did it. I finally quit my soul-sucking office job. July 1 is my last day and it can't come soon enough!

It stared the Tuesday after Memorial Day, after having spent nine days among people who understand me. I walked into the office and literally wanted to start crying. I knew I couldn't take it anymore. So, I gave myself till lunch to calm down a little bit, and then contacted my boss. Luckily, she is a very understanding woman, gave me her blessing and her business card and told me she was proud of me. (ok, at this point I really did want to cry because I was so relieved)

Now, yes, I need money to live, so I decided to do something I've never done before. Bartend! It will be good money and it won't be an office job, which is just so not me. I signed up for a class at the better bartending school in town that also hooks you up with jobs. I start July 11th!! I can tell it's the right decision because I feel happier than I have in a very long while.

I'll start sometime early August, so look for posts about interesting happenings in New York City bars. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kick ass! You'll be like the Sam Malone of New York.

11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Congratulate yourself for being so brave! All endings and beginnings are hard. Good luck in your new career!

Here in upstate New York State, there's a very fine poet (published in "Rattle" and elsewhere) who was a bartender until his recent retirement. His name is Alan Catlin. Are you familiar with his work? He's written a number of poems entitled with the names of the drinks he used to serve.


P.S. I know what you mean about feeling "understood" while at Spalding MFA-poetry for nine days!

5:50 PM  
Blogger Stacia said...

Aimee, I'm proud of you, you know I'm going through the same thing and I think it's a brave decision on both of our parts. Can I just tell you how much I relate to what you were saying about being among those who understand and support you for 10 days, only to come home to the exact opposite? I cried and cried when Teneice and Nicole and everyone left that Sunday because I was like, here are these awesome women whom I love so much, and all these great people, and now I have to go home to...well, I won't get into it, haha. It was a total moment of revelation for me: what a sec, I CAN change my life, I can get on this plane, go home, quit my job, pack up my stuff, and be me somewhere else.
Next time I'm in New York, I'll seek you out, buy a drink, and leave you a big tip.
Send me some poems some time!

3:37 PM  
Blogger HL said...

Hey Aimee, you're actually living out my fantasy. Every time I sit at a bar I think: I would love to go to bartending school. I quit my job before the residency --- oh no, wait, that's a fantasy. I actually got fired. But I had been thinking, hours before finding out I was canned (in an e-mail), how can I give two weeks notice and then not work the two weeks, so I'll have time to get ready for the residency??? I was SO relieved when my boss resolved things for me by telling me to turn in my keys. The only thing is, don't say the following words in my presente:
money, finances, paycheck, checking account, bills. Good luck with your new profession!!!

4:26 PM  

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