Diary of a Desert Gal

Book reviews, film reviews, writing exercises, poems, thoughts, musings, etc.


Diatribes of the Day

This is something I just learned at work the other day--did you know that in certain states, it's forbidden to use the word "Imagine" in an text book because it "promotes witchcraft." I was absolutely stunned and completely furious. Since when did imagination become a bad word? The day we discourage imagination in children is the day we doom ourselves.

And another thing. Sandra Day O'Conner has announced that she is stepping down. If you're looking for me, I'll be in Spain, a forward thinking country who has just legaized gay marriage! Bring on the sangria!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some responses to the diatribe--

What is the source for this information? Is it confirmed somewhere? There may be some confusion between the "state" and the private publisher of the textbook. A publisher can publish what he/she wants.

Recently I was in Spain, which still allows mothers to smoke cigarettes while holding babies. Smoking is also still allowed in all restaurants.

In Massachusetts, gay marriages are legal. The church I attended last year conducted two gay marriages.


12:40 PM  

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