Diary of a Desert Gal

Book reviews, film reviews, writing exercises, poems, thoughts, musings, etc.


Link of the Day

To combat the ridiculous gas prices:



The X-Ray

The X-Ray

shows two screws and a rod-
metal objects you buy

at a hardware store to hold
a door in place, a curtain

up in the shower. The kind of things
that come in bulk

in small, cardboard boxes, sold
separately for pennies.

The kind of things that now
make his leg a leg and make me

cringe at the sound of any hinge.


Yay for me

I just got word that one of my poems has been accepted in Barbaric Yawp! It appears quarterly, and is a really cool 60pg periodical.

I'm excited, though they picked a pretty personal poem, one that I haven't shown my parents. Yikes, to tell them, or not to tell them...that is the question.

Yay for me. :)