Diary of a Desert Gal

Book reviews, film reviews, writing exercises, poems, thoughts, musings, etc.


Surprises and Wonderful Rejections

I got back early this morning on the red-eye from my 'look-see' trip out to LA, which, admitedly a bit to my surprise, I loved. The sun, the palm trees, the cute model-slash-actor men everywhere. All in all, it was a great trip and pretty much solidified my decision to move there in a month. I met alot of nice people, many who are in the industry, which was cool, and got to go to the Entertainment Tonight set at Paramount Studios thanks to an old family friend. Fun stuff!

Anyway, looks like ETA is October 28th, arrive in LA Nov. 6th, after a stop over at Spalding for residency and to graduate! woo hoo!

Oh, and before I left I got a wonderful rejection letter from the Austin Film Festival telling me that the script I send didn't make it to the next round. Not only was it personalized, it was a positive rejection. A couple quotes from the letter:

"Our readers were extremely impressed with the quality of work, and found the decision making process very difficult. Your hard work and great writing effort really shone through.

Entering contests is a great opportunity to bring attention to your work, but we hope you will continue to persue other areas of interest with your script.

The Austin Film Fesival and I encourage you to follow your passion and keep creating new stories and characters."

Anyway. A good letdown. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


My nephew just moved to LA, where he hopes to build a career in the film industry after graduating from Syracuse University. He has a job now editing scripts for a television show.

If you think you would like to talk to him about LA, let me know and I'll give him your email and/or blog address.

He's young and also cute.

6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, there are good and bad rejection letters. I have had a few good ones this summer, all "Sorry you didn't make it, but here's a little handwritten note that says you don't totally suck." :)

5:15 AM  

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